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Comandante C60 Baracuda Velvet steel PRE-ORDER

€ 598,00 (inclusief btw)

Eindelijk is de langverwachte Comandante C60 Baracuda Velvet steel uit.

LET OP. De nieuwe kleur is Velvet steel en niet de eerder aangekondigde kleur 'Brushed Steel'

Helaas kunnen wij geen levertijd garanderen op dit moment. Nog hebben wij informatie wanneer hij op voorraad zal zijn.

Pre-order is wel mogelijk. Uitlevering op volgorde van bestelling. 

Annuleren van Pre-orders is uiteraard mogelijk zolang er nog niet uitgeleverd is.

Heb je wel interesse in de C60 maar wil je nog geen pre-order plaatsen dan kunnen wij je ook op de wachtlijst zetten, stuur in dat geval een email naar . We zullen je dan informeren zodra de molen op voorraad is. (na uitlevering pre-orders)


  • 60mm conische schijven (40mm op de C40)
  • Inclusief Gold Clix as, 21 microns per click*
  • De C60 Maalt dezelfde hoeveelheid koffie sneller dan de C40
  • 1000 gram (C40 = 600g)
  • Wordt geleverd met de Black Crank
  • Brushed steel body

*The fine GX50 thread of the Gold Clix drivetrain system allows for super fine adjustments of grind setting. With a vertical burr pitch of 41.6µm per click, the resulting change to your target particle size is around 21µm per click setting.

The Comandante® C60 Baracuda® is a robust, heavy-duty, high-performance manual
coffee grinder with the biggest and most advanced burr set design we’ve ever released.
We always want to explore the limits and we were simply curious: how big a burr set
could we fit into a familiar and manageable manual grinder format? In the end,
the power of our BAracuda® burr set pushed us to create a new grinder body.
We developed a unibody construction, milled and crafted out of a single block
of steel, for absolute stability and maximum drivetrain efficiency. 
Creating this unibody construction out of steel is particularly challenging,
but we have pushed the boundaries of manufacturing techniques and quality,
using processes normally reserved for high-performance motor parts.
The result is a bold and clear-cut design that perfectly supports the function.
It’s a hefty 1-kilogram hand grinder, which power you can feel the moment you
take it in your hands.
Thanks to Baracuda®’s optimised burr geometry, we achieved a massive 2-3x higher
bean thruput and yet a smooth grind experience that achieves a comfortable crank
torque and a world-class particle size distribution. With it you can brew delicious coffee
across the full range of brew methods, from coarse settings for filter coffee down to
super-fine settings for espresso and cezve/ibrik

Dimensions: Assembled: 195x200x60mm
CERTIFIED STAINLESS STEEL Safe in contact with food and water
Drivetrain: Stainless steel
GRIND ADJUSTMENT: GX50 Gold Clix* with the grind dial made out of brass
Knob: Big Joe made from solid European Oak
CRANK: Equipped as standard with our Black Crank

BURR: Baracuda®


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